
How to Breed Betta Fish the Right Way?

The Betta, also known as The Siamese Fighting Fish, is a popular fish amongst experienced aquarists and newcomers. The vibrant color and the beautiful fins of these fish make them a favorite of many people.

Thanks to their unique looks, there is a lot of demand for Betta fish in the market. So, many people breed Betta fish to be able to sell the fry for a decent profit.

However, due to their aggressive nature, these fish do not breed very quickly. You need to set up the perfect environment for successfully breeding the fish and make sure that the fry is also healthy.

In this article, we will be discussing how to breed betta fish properly. We will cover everything from tank selection, tank set up, pair selection, the breeding process, and aftercare. 

That’s a lot of things to cover, so let’s get started.

Should You Start Breeding Bettas?

Betta fish are not the most difficult species to breed, even though they make excellent pets. Small mistakes that would not be detrimental to an adult fish could spell doom for a mating pair or a tank of delicate, newly hatched bettas.

First, buy two male betta fish. It is best to get the same type of Betta if possible; not only will they be more likely to breed, but it reduces the amount of time and money needed to find a mate.

Next, buy a large aquarium or tank enough for the two male betta fish; it should be at least six gallons in size. Fill it with water and clean the gravel on the bottom.

how to breed betta fish

Then, put a pair of fake plants in each corner to give your bettas some cover from larger fish that might eat them.

Add a filter to the tank and cover it with foam or cotton; this will ensure that no water is sucked up when you add your bettas. Finally, add some rocks or pebbles to the tank, but make sure they are large enough for your bettas.

This fish may be kept in either a freshwater or saltwater environment. Do not use soap to clean the tank, as it will kill your fish.

Bettas are beautiful fish that can be found in many colors and patterns. Breeding bettas require a few simple steps:

  1. You need to prepare your tank for the fish with a filter and some fake plants.
  2. It would help if you bought some male and female bettas.
  3. Please conceal them under the filter or behind plants so they can spawn safely.

How to Create the Breeding Conditions

Allow your Bettas to adjust to their new surroundings for a month (an absolute minimum of two weeks).

It would help if you kept an eye on their health to ensure they are not showing any signs of illness during this time.

Betta fish

Additionally, you’ll need to “condition” your Bettas during this period by providing them with fresh, live food. This will assist you in increasing the carotenoid levels in your males (making them look bright and healthy).

Your female is under a great deal of stress during the mating process. This period of adjustment will aid her in developing healthy, viable eggs and increase her overall strength.

How To Set Up an Ideal Breeding Tank

To start, let’s discuss how we can set up the ideal environment for breeding. This is the essential part of the breeding process, so we need to look at it in detail.

Tank Size

Bettas prefer to live in large tanks, so you need to ensure that there is enough room for your Betta pair to move around in the spawning tank. The ideal tank size should be about 4–5 US Gallons or 15–20 Litres.

Betta fish tend to jump a lot, so you should get a tank that does not fill to the top.

In addition to that, you should also avoid putting gravel or sand at the bottom of the spawning tank. Sometimes, the eggs will fall from the bubble nest, and having a transparent tank will make it easier for the male to pick them up.

You will also need to have some objects in the spawning tank. This is done so that the female has a place to hide during or after the mating process. 

Water Conditions

During the breeding process, you will need to make sure that there is not much disturbance in the water. This means that you will need to turn off your filter or run it at a prolonged setting.

You can do this by adding helpful bacteria to reduce the amount of ammonia in the water. You can keep your Bettas in the water for about 3–4 days like this without harming the fish.

Separating The Breeding Pair

When you have the breeding pair in the breeding tank, you should first keep the female separated from the male. This can be done by using a breeder box. You need to do this to know if the male is even interested in breeding before you let them interact freely.

You can release the female from the breeder box once you know that the male is interested and has built his bubble nest.

Making The Bubble Nest

The male will prefer to build his bubble nest under some cover, so you should get some large leaves and place them in one corner of the tank. Make sure that the leaves are stationary so that the bubble nest is not disturbed.

Choosing The Right Pair of Fish

So now that your tank setup is complete, it is time to choose the pair for breeding.

Male selection

To get the best results, you need to select the ideal male for breeding. The best male will have very prominent coloration on his body and a muscular hump behind his head. Females can be choosy about males, so it may take some time to find the right one.

betta fish with color

The best male will have very prominent coloration on his body and a muscular hump behind his head. Females can be choosy about males, so it may take some time to find the right one.

Find the right male. Females can be choosy about males, so it may take some time to find the perfect one.

Female selection

The female should have a round belly just behind its gills. You will also need to look at the egg spot of the female and see if it is protruding. A more exposed egg spot is a sign of a female that already has eggs.

The female should have a round belly just behind its gills. You will also need to look at the egg spot of the female and see if it is protruding. A more exposed egg spot is a sign of a female that already has eggs.


The reason you want to choose a male with vibrant hues is that it tells the female that he’s consumed enough carotenoids to support his immune system and coloring – implying that he’s been an effective forager.

If you want to maximize the likelihood of your Bettas reproducing, look for a red male.


The female Betta will believe that your chosen male is contaminated with parasites or other disease-carrying pathogens and that he does not have a robust immune system if he appears to be lacking in vitality and vigor.

Because a weak immune system can be passed down from generation to generation, female Bettas must be able to identify the resistance of her male progeny for her kids to have the best chance of survival.


Another crucial visual sign of health is the presence of a rash. It has been shown that when male Betta have robust immune systems and are successful foragers, their fins recover from minor injuries more quickly (within one or two days).

If your chosen male has any scars or evidence of harm, it’s doubtful that your female will not pursue him after seeing them.

An attractive male Betta with long, undamaged fins will attract more females because it indicates to the females that he is an excellent fighter and in good health.

When To Release the Female

Now that you have selected the right pair, you need to put them in the same tank. Initially, you will keep the female separate from the male to find out if the pair is interested in mating.

If the pair is interested, you will notice that the male will start to build his bubble nest. An interested male will also dance in front of the female to attract her.

Once the bubble nest is complete, you can release the female from the breeding box and let them mix.

Female betta fish

The Breeding Process

As the female is released, you will see that the pair will start chasing each other. The pair may not mate immediately, so you should give them some time. It can take up to 12–24 hours for the pair to start the mating process.

If it takes longer than 12–24 hours, you might have to separate the pair again and start over again.

Blue Betta fish

The pair will start breeding after some time. The breeding process is not very easy for the fish, so they may take up to an hour before they have bred successfully.

Once the breeding is done, the female will start laying her eggs, and the male will pick them up and place them in the bubble nest. From breeding to laying the eggs, the whole breeding process can take up to a few days.

Remove the female when all the eggs are laid, and the pair has placed them in the bubble nest. The male will take care of the eggs by himself.

The Fry

The fry will hatch in about 24 hours. After hatching, you will notice movement from the newly hatched fry in about 2–3 days.

The ideal food for the fry is Grindal worms, mosquito larvae, and small powdered food. 

Watch The Male Care For The Embryos

For the fertilized eggs to mature into embryos and hatch, it takes approximately three days. During this period, your male may decide to construct a new nest and relocate the eggs, or he may choose to leave them where they are while he fusses over them.

The male usually takes care of the eggs.

Watch The Male Care For The EmbryosIn order for the fertilized eggs to mature into embryos and hatch, it takes approximately three days. During this period, your male may decide to construct a new nest and relocate the eggs, or he may choose to leave them where they are while he fusses over them.


So now you know how to breed betta fish properly. It is not an easy process. It would help if you had a lot of things to go right for successful breeding.

By following the detailed tank setup guide we mentioned in this article, you can ensure that you have the ideal conditions for breeding.

We also talked about how to pick the proper breeding partner and what to do afterward.

By following this guide correctly, you can make sure that your Betta fish will breed successfully, and the resulting fry will grow up to be healthy.

So, are you looking out for Koi betta fish care, then here it is Koi Betta Fish: Care Sheet & Informational Guide


How do I know if my female Betta is egg-bound?

If you have a female betta fish that is not producing eggs, it could be egg-bound. Egg binding can happen when the female’s ovaries do not release an egg during mating or if the fish is carrying too many eggs. It can also occur if she cannot release any eggs during the breeding season, which usually lasts for about six weeks.

How can you tell what gender your betta fish is?

If you want to find what gender your betta fish is, look at the underside of their belly. If it has a long filament or “sack,” they are male, and if it seems like a small mound, they are female.

What is the most challenging betta fish to breed?

Betta fish are one of the easiest fish to breed. Wild Betta is the most challenging betta fish to breed, with a thin tail fin. You can find wild Betta in Thailand.

Which month is best for Betta breeding?

The best time to breed Betta fish is in the spring.


About the author

I'm Gulshan, a passionate pet enthusiast. Dive into my world where I share tips, stories, and snapshots of my animal adventures. Here, pets are more than just animals; they're heartbeats that enrich our lives. Join our journey!