
Can Rabbits Eat Brussel Sprouts?All You Need To Know

Can Rabbits Eat Brussel Sprouts? Brussel sprouts are basically miniature cabbages that hail from Brussel, Belgium. Not only are brussel sprouts an excellent source of nutrition for you, but they also taste wonderful!

However, you might think that being a leafy veggie, it’s perfectly healthy to give to your pet rabbit, right? Well, you aren’t entirely wrong. Rabbits can eat Brussel sprouts safely! But, with some feeding guidelines. Keep reading to understand all about how you can include brussel sprouts in your pet rabbit’s diet and what the benefits of that are!

Can Rabbits Eat Brussel Sprouts?

Yes, your rabbit can eat brussel sprouts. However, you must exercise restraint in feeding large amounts of brussel sprouts in your pet rabbit’s daily diet. Like most other sprouts, brussel sprouts can cause a lot of digestive issues, including gas in your pet rabbit.

This is a problem, particularly in rabbits because rabbits haven’t evolved to be able to pass gas effectively, resulting in acute discomfort and, at times, pain due to the formation of gas.

can rabbits eat brussel sprouts

All in all, brussel sprouts and other snacks should account for roughly 10% of your rabbit’s total diet.

In the vegetable section of your pet rabbit’s diet, you must provide a wide range of options. As delicious as they are, You should only give Brussels sprouts to rabbits in very little amounts.

Brussel Sprouts Nutritional Facts

Brussel sprouts in large quantties

The greatest advantage brussel sprouts offer is that they are extremely tasty and nutritious without making for a large portion of calorie consumption in your pet rabbit’s diet. Here are some facts about the nutritional value brussel sprouts can offer in your rabbit’s diet.

Rich in iron and potassium

Potassium and iron are minerals that have been known to aid in the development of rabbits’ mental and physical aspects. Further, they are extremely beneficial in maintaining the health of your pet rabbit’s musculature along with nerve health.

Rich in vitamins A, B6, and K

These vitamins are typically found in a variety of foods, including celery and Brussels sprouts. They help the rabbit’s health by regulating metabolism and supplying strong bones. These are great vitamins to include in a rabbit’s diet.

Vitamin A, in particular, aids in the strengthening of the immune system and the prevention of certain ailments. Vitamin B6 aids the body’s storage of carbs and energy. Finally, vitamin K regulates blood coagulation and wound healing in our pet rabbits.

Filled with fiber

The fact is that rabbits need a high-fiber diet to pass their stool. Further, rabbits can’t digest too much protein. Brussel sprouts fit this bill perfectly. Brussel sprouts have enough quantities of protein but aren’t exactly high in protein.

They do, however, have healthy amounts of fiber in them. Therefore, while this can be a great addition to your pet rabbit’s diet, you have to be careful not to exceed the advised feeding amount. The excess fiber in their diet can result in serious digestive issues.

How Much Brussel Sprouts Can A Rabbit Eat?

Rabbit eating leafy green

First of all, you should either check whether your pet rabbit can eat and digest brussel sprouts without any serious issues or consult your vet regarding it.

Therefore, start with small amounts, and after consulting your vet, gradually increase the amount you feed your pet rabbit. 

If you know that your rabbit can eat brussel sprouts safely, you can start feeding it a fist-sized quantity. If your rabbit is larger, you can feed it a little more but ensure that your rabbit can eat it without any digestive issues. 

How Often Can A Rabbit Eat Brussel Sprouts?

For the best results and nutritional value, you should feed your pet rabbit brussel sprouts once every week, and that too, no more than one brussel sprout.

Do Rabbits Like Brussel Sprouts?

Most rabbits like eating Brussel sprouts since a large part of their diet are leafy vegetables. Therefore, it is only reasonable to say that your rabbit is likely to enjoy Brussel sprouts in its diet.

However, this certainly varies from rabbit to rabbit. You will have to experiment with a few foods to understand what your rabbit likes and does not like.

How to Feed Brussel Sprouts to Your Rabbits?

The ideal way to feed your pet rabbit any food is to provide it in the form that your rabbit would eat it in the wild.

Therefore, when feeding brussel sprouts to your pet rabbit, you should feed it completely raw. However, do take some time to wash the brussel sprouts before feeding your pet rabbit.

Brussels Sprouts, Vegetables, Cabbage

Brussels sprouts are one of the seventy-five percent of fresh vegetables you should feed your pets. It’s best to combine them with at least three other leafy greens, preferably ones with low oxalic acid.

You won’t have to feed them as much this way. Bunnies can consume up to one cup of chopped leafy greens for every two pounds they weigh.

If you’re giving them to your bunnies for the first time, start with little amounts and wait 24 hours to see how their stomachs react. You can raise the quantity if they respond positively to them.

Choose an organic source or properly wash them under running water to ensure they are free of any chemicals, including pesticides. After that, slice them up to make eating easier, and remember to feed them to them while they’re still raw.

This is how wild bunnies would eat them in the wild when they were still raw. Some of their contents may be affected by cooking, and the quantity of fiber in them may be reduced when they soften.

Can I give my rabbit cooked Brussel sprouts?

No, you cannot give your pet rabbit cooked brussel sprouts.

Cooking brussel sprouts leads to a loss of their nutritional value and makes it harder to digest them for rabbits. Therefore, you should avoid feeding cooked brussels to your pet rabbit.

Can I give my rabbit frozen Brussel sprouts?

Without a doubt, this is a massive no. Frozen meals are more likely to cause injury to their tongue.

Not only that, but the food will be too mushy for the bunny to chew once it has thawed. Nothing could possibly be more unsettling for your rabbit to eat.

Can rabbits eat Brussel sprout leaves?

Yes, rabbits can eat brussel sprout leaves quite safely. Rabbits enjoy a diet of leafy vegetables. Therefore, brussel sprout leaves are a great addition to your pet rabbit’s diet.

Can rabbits eat brussel sprout stalks?

Yes, rabbits can eat brussel sprout stalks. However, you must ensure that they are thoroughly washed and freshly sourced.

Can wild rabbits eat Brussel sprouts?

Yes, wild rabbits can eat brussel sprouts too!

In fact, brussel sprouts form a healthy portion of their weekly intake of leafy vegetables!

Can rabbits eat Brussel sprouts every day?

No, rabbits can’t eat brussel sprouts every day.

Brussel sprouts are high in fiber, and while healthy for your pet rabbit in moderate amounts, feeding large amounts to your rabbit can result in indigestion and unhealthy gas formation.

Risks When Feeding Brussels Sprouts To Rabbits

As we mentioned, brussel sprouts can be extremely healthy in your pet rabbit’s diet. Overfeeding your rabbit can cause some risks. We have discussed these risks below to make you aware of the result of overfeeding.

Bunny, Rabbit, Spring, Baby Bunny

Gastrointestinal diseases

When discussing the risks of brussel sprouts for rabbits, there is primarily one major risk associated with them. Rabbits’ digestive health is severely harmed when they consume too many Brussels sprouts.

As previously said, you should feed it in moderation. Because rabbits have a hard time passing gas in their bodies, this can lead to dangerous and lethal circumstances in your pet.

Rabbits can get an upset stomach from these vegetables, and they may have difficulty digesting them. Serve this cuisine only once in a while to avoid bloating and other ailments.

What are the other healthy alternatives to Brussel sprouts?

Brussel sprouts can only make up a portion of your pet rabbit’s daily diet. Therefore, it is vital for you to supplement and round off your pet rabbit’s diet with other leafy veggie alternatives that you can provide everyday to your pet rabbit.

Fortunately, you need not worry about a lack of variety when feeding your pet rabbit because there are various alternative vegetables that you can and should include in your pet rabbit’s diet.

Green and leafy vegetables like kale, colorful bell peppers, bok choy, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, endive, cilantro, arugula, beets, cucumbers, carrots, fennel, escarole, swiss chard are some of these healthy alternatives to brussel sprouts in your pet rabbit’s diet.

However, it would certainly help to check with your vet regarding the safety and appropriate quantities of these veggies before you offer them to your rabbit.


Brussel sprouts make for great dietary additions. They are highly fibrous, thus aiding your pet rabbit’s digestive health. They are rich in essential vitamins and minerals and other micronutrients that your rabbit needs for healthy physical and mental development.

Start small with the quantity you feed your pet rabbit and gradually increase the amount to the advised amount to ensure that your rabbit stays healthy and derives the best level of nutrition from them.


Can rabbits eat Brussel sprouts stalks safely?

Yes, rabbits can eat brussel sprout stalks safely, but in moderated quantities.

Can rabbits eat brussel sprout leaves safely?

Yes, rabbits can eat Brussel sprout leaves safely.

Can rabbits eat frozen Brussel sprouts every day?

No, rabbits cannot eat frozen Brussel sprouts at all, let alone every day.

Can rabbits eat cooked Brussel sprouts every day?

No rabbits should not be fed cooked Brussel sprouts as a rule since cooking Brussel sprouts strips them of their nutritional value and makes it harder for your pet rabbit to digest efficiently.

Are Rabbits allergic to Brussel Sprouts?

No, rabbits are not allergic to Brussel sprouts, but you must be careful with the amount you include in your [et rabbit’s diet. Overfeeding Brussel sprouts to your rabbit can result in digestive issues.

About the author

I'm Gulshan, a passionate pet enthusiast. Dive into my world where I share tips, stories, and snapshots of my animal adventures. Here, pets are more than just animals; they're heartbeats that enrich our lives. Join our journey!