
Can Dogs Eat Plantains? All You Need To Know

This post will provide you with some dog and plantain ideas. Can dogs eat plantains? Continue reading to learn more! They’re a relative of the banana, but they have different flavors and textures. 

Plantains resemble bananas because they are members of the same family, yet several key distinctions exist. There’s usually no reason to be concerned about your pet eating them. There isn’t anything harmful here. 

It’s not like giving your dog grapes or raisins, even though it’s a fruit. There are a few things to memorize before giving your dog plantains, or any new food for that matter.

Can Dogs Eat Plantains?

Dogs may eat plantains, but they must be prepared and cannot be served in large quantities. Let’s take a deeper look at this tropical fruit to see how safe it is for your pet.

can dogs eat plantains

Yes. Dogs are not harmed by cooking or vegetable banana, but they should not be offered raw or large quantities. Plantains are high in dietary fiber and anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities. 

Their high fiber content can aid digestive issues, but too much might irritate the stomach. Another plant that is poisonous and deadly to dogs is the plantain’s lily. This plant resembles lavender but does not grow fruit (unlike a banana tree!).

Plantains Nutritional Stats

A cup of cooked green plantains (137g) has 166 calories, 1.5g protein, 40g carbs, and 0.1g fat. 

Vitamin C, fiber, and vitamin B6 are all abundant in plantains. 

Homemade Yellow Fried Plantains in a Bowl
  • 166 calories
  • 0.1g fat
  • Sodium (mg): 2.7
  • 40g carbohydrate
  • 3.5 g fiber
  • 3.1 g sugar
  • 1.5 g protein
  • 12.5 mg vitamin C
  • 0.3 milligrams of vitamin B6

Plantains Nutritional Facts

Plantains include 32 percent carbs, 2 percent dietary fiber, and 15% sugars, 1 percent protein, 0.4 percent fat, and 65 percent water in a 100-gram serving, for a total of 122 calories. 

Ripe fried plantains. Common in Puerto Rico and other parts of the Caribbean. If you need a recipe to print, use the one below:

Plantains are a good source (10–19 percent DV) of magnesium and potassium and an excellent source (20 percent or higher DV) of vitamin B6 (23 percent DV) and vitamin C (22 percent DV).

Health Benefits Of Plantains For Dogs

Black and White Siberian Husky

Are plantains a good meal to feed our dogs? As dog owners, we are constantly concerned about our dogs’ health. Yes, they are!

Vitamin C helps dogs maintain a healthy immune system.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights damaging free radicals in dogs’ bodies, slowing the aging of both cells and the brain. 

This antioxidant also aids in the reduction of inflammation and the enhancement of cognitive function in dogs. It’s vital to remember that our canine companions may produce vitamin C independently. 

Their livers aid in the production of vitamin C. 

However, it’s never a bad idea to supplement your dog’s vitamin C intake. Fiber aids in the regulation of bowel movements in dogs.

When it comes to our dog’s digestive tract, fibrous food is a no-brainer. Because fiber is a complex carbohydrate, it takes longer for the dog to digest, making him feel fuller for longer. 

Plantain, a fibrous meal, can help dogs manage bowel movement by absorbing excess water and increasing mass, resulting in more formed and hard feces.

Fiber is especially useful because it helps maintain a healthy pH in the intestines, preventing dangerous bacteria from growing in your pet’s stomach.

Potassium is a vital electrolyte for your dog’s wellbeing.

Ten slices or 105 grams of plantain provide 501 milligrams of potassium. Potassium is not just an electrolyte but also a mineral. 

Potassium is required for the healthy functioning of the dog’s body. Because the electrolyte is extremely reactive with water, it aids in the formation of positively charged ions, which aids in the treatment of the following in dogs:

  • Nerve signals are sent.
  • Be in charge of muscular contractions.
  • Encourage fluid balance.

Magnesium improves the health of dogs’ muscles.

Magnesium is an important mineral for all canines. It aids in the efficient functioning of organs and maintaining organ health in dogs. Magnesium is responsible for your four-legged companions’ flexing and contracting muscles. 

Magnesium is still working to keep your dog’s muscles calm even while they are relaxing. Magnesium is also involved in the regeneration of muscular tissue in dogs.

Thanks to magnesium, minerals including calcium, zinc, and potassium may be absorbed by your four-legged buddies.

Can Dogs Eat Broadleaf Plantains?

Dogs are not poisoned by broadleaf plantain. Broadleaf Plantain has been demonstrated in studies to help with digestive issues and persistent diarrhea. 

Broadleaf Plantain

Broadleaf Plantain, like plantain itself, is high in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients and is safe to eat. Some people utilize broadleaf plantain as a medicine.

Can dogs eat plantains chips?

Corn on White Ceramic Plate

Plantain chips are OK for dogs to consume in moderation, as long as they are simple and free of extra salt or spices that are toxic to dogs. The following spices are toxic to dogs:

  • Chili powder is a kind of spice that is commonly used in cooking.
  • Powdered garlic (or any form of garlic).
  • Powdered onion (or any form of onion).

As shown, Plantain chips are safe for dogs when taken in moderation and when prepared. Serving your dog raw Plantain chips or a significant number of Plantain chips is not a good idea.

A reasonable amount of Plantain chips (2 or 3) has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities and can help your dog meet his dietary fiber requirements.

Can dogs eat fried plantains?

Plantains that have been fried should not be fed to your dog. If your dog consumes too much fat, it may develop liver problems. 

So, while fried plantains are delicious, they aren’t exactly a healthy option for you or your dog. It’s always better to talk to your veterinarian about how much fried or fatty food your dog should eat.

But, let’s face it, there is a slew of things that may go wrong on the trip to the doctor’s office. You may encounter unexpected traffic or a barrier. It’s also possible that the veterinarian is either too busy or out of town.

Can dogs eat sweet plantains?

Yes, dogs eat sweet plantains. Plantains come in two varieties: ripe and unripe. Unripe plantains have a greener, firmer skin, can be unpleasant if eaten raw, and take longer to cook than ripe plantains. 

When cooked, plantains ripen to yellowish with black specks and a sweeter flavor but not as sweet as a banana.

Can Dogs Eat Plantain chips?

As tasty and energy-boosting as they seem, plantains chips are not the healthiest food for our dogs. They might be heavy in calories and sugars, but they can be a fun treat on occasion if you keep these things in mind:

  • Should avoid commercial chips at all costs. 
  • They are abundant in sugar, fatty acids, and even potentially dangerous components for our children.
  • Avoid cooking the chips or adding sugar to them. 
  • Fatty acids and too much sugar can cause chronic illnesses.

The easiest way to keep plantain benefits is to eat homemade dehydrated chips. Just limit the serving sizes to a bare minimum.

Are Plantains Safe For Dogs?

Yes, they are. Although not the most well-known of fruits, plantains provide a wealth of essential elements. 

Raw Plantains

Carbohydrates make up most of them, with protein coming in a distant second at 2%. It is characteristic of the dietary categories in question. They have a good amino acid profile, but they aren’t a complete protein like meat. The nutritional profile is also favorable. 

  • This supplement contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals that dogs require. Fats, as you might think, are insignificant. 
  • Another item to think about is the sugar content and how it will influence your dog’s blood sugar levels. 
  • Fruits differ in how soon they affect it, which is important to consider based on your pet’s requirements.

Are Plantains Good For Dogs?

Plantains provide several nutritional advantages for dogs when consumed in moderation. They have a high vitamin C content, which is beneficial to their immune system. 

Potassium and magnesium are also found in them. Humans enjoy high-fiber diets, and plantains are particularly high in natural fiber. However, this fiber isn’t good for your pet.

Are Plantains Bad For Dogs?

Plantains are completely non-toxic to dogs. They do include a lot of fiber and natural sugars (carbs). Fiber is more sensitive to a dog’s digestive tract. They may get diarrhea if they consume too much fiber. Limiting the fiber they consume each day is always a smart idea.

You should generally keep your dog away from fruit, especially plantains if they have blood sugar problems. Another issue with plantains’ sugar is that if your dog consumes a high-sugar, high-carbohydrate diet, they may gain weight. 

Other health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease, might arise due to the weight increase.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Plantains?

Allowing your dog to eat raw plantains is not a good idea. They probably won’t try to eat them raw because they’re rough and don’t taste very nice until cooked.

Raw plantains are not poisonous; they contain too much fiber and starch for your dog’s stomach to digest readily. They could have an upset stomach if they eat raw plantains.

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Plantains?

Cooking plantains is the finest and safest method to enjoy them with your dog. These are the most frequent methods for preparing them and how to do it securely.

Can Dogs Eat Boiled Plantains?

Yes, cooking plantains for dogs is the safest method to prepare them. It breaks down the plantains’ fibers, making them simpler to consume for your dog. Always use a small amount of salt and avoid using any herbs or spices that are toxic.

Do Dogs Eat Fried Plantains?

Dogs should not eat fried plantains. Fried food is hazardous for dogs in general. If you only give your dog two or three pieces of fried Plantains, though, you should be alright. 

Fried Plantains

If possible, avoid giving your dog fried foods such as fried Plantains since they are oily and contain lipids harmful to dogs. Unhealthy fats are bad for our canine companions since they can induce weight gain and potentially heart disease.

How Many Plantains Can A Dogs Eat?

Because plantains are abundant in dietary fiber, they should be served in tiny amounts and only once every few days. Should include dietary fibers in your dog’s diet since they are necessary for proper digestion.

On the other hand, plantains can induce gastrointestinal issues in dogs, such as stomach pain, nausea, gas, diarrhea, and vomiting, if given in excessive doses. You can feed plantain once or twice a week or as a special treat occasionally.

One-half plantain, once or twice a week for larger dogs, one-third plantain, once a week, for medium and small dogs. 2-3 slices of plantain, once in a while, for aging dogs

How To Feed Plantains To Dogs?

You should never give your raw plantains. Before serving, peel and boil the plantain. You may also slice it up or mash it up and combine it with other high-quality dog food. 

cooked Plantains

If at all possible, avoid frying the plantains and baking them. The easiest method to prepare plantain for your dog is to do the following:

  • Bring it to boil.
  • Should steam it. It’s also critical to make the plantains bland. 
  • Chop it, boil it, and set it aside to cool.

Finally, it would help to introduce the plantains to your dog gradually. Don’t force plantains on your dog if it doesn’t enjoy the scent or flavor. Instead, give him some dog-friendly fruits and vegetables.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, plantains are rather safe for dogs if they are properly prepared. Always peel them and don’t give them to your dog uncooked. When cooking them, don’t use too much salt, and leave out any potentially dangerous seasonings or sugar.

As long as you do it in moderation, it might be a fun thing to do with your dog.

Plaintain is great for dogs with a slice or two. Plantains are heavy in fiber, sugar, and carbohydrates, so it’s better not to serve them in huge quantities to your four-legged pals. We strongly advise you to boil the Plantains before giving them to your dogs. 


Can dogs eat pecans?

Yes, dogs eat pecans. Pecans are nut trees that produce shells that are so hard to break open that they normally require a tool. However, this meal is not suitable for dogs. If your dog has snatched a few that have fallen on the floor, they will most likely be fine.

Can dogs eat peppers?

The answer is yes in this case. Bell peppers are a powerhouse for both you and your pet regarding nutrients. They’re not harmful, and they’re a nutritious food to share with your dog,” says the author.

Can dogs eat pickles?

In general, pickles are not harmful to dogs. They have certain nutritional and health benefits. As a result, giving them to your dog should be fine in theory. They are, however, high in salt and may contain compounds that are poisonous to dogs.

Can dogs eat star fruit?

Star fruit, a popular and festive addition to fruit salads, is poisonous to dogs. It includes soluble calcium oxalates, which are calcium binders in the body. A quick loss in calcium, which can lead to acute renal failure, can occur if adequate food is consumed.

About the author

I'm Gulshan, a passionate pet enthusiast. Dive into my world where I share tips, stories, and snapshots of my animal adventures. Here, pets are more than just animals; they're heartbeats that enrich our lives. Join our journey!