
Can bearded dragons eat strawberries? All You Need To Know

Can bearded dragons eat strawberries? Strawberries have to be one of the most delicious natural delights on the planet! And every bearded dragon owner enjoys giving their beardie a well-deserved treat now and then!

Should you keep your bearded dragon away from this fruit at all costs? This submit will provide you with all of the records you require as we examine the perspectives of leading nutritionists and veterinarians so you can make an informed decision before feeding strawberries to your bearded dragon.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?

can bearded dragons eat strawberries

Yes, bearded dragons can eat strawberries. They adore these delectable berries and will eat them just like any other fruit. However, feed the fruits in moderation because too many strawberries might be dangerous.

Strawberries are edible to bearded dragons.

Strawberries consist of an expansion of vitamins and minerals, including but not limited to vitamin C, A, and K, magnesium, copper, selenium, and others. Providing your lizard with all of the necessary nutrients in the proper amounts increases its quality of life.

It’s worth noting that some bearded dragons despise strawberries while others adore them. If your lizard isn’t a fan of strawberries, don’t force it or be concerned; there are plenty of other fruits to offer the pet.

Strawberries Nutritional Stats

Fresh strawberries on wooden background.

Water 90.95g

Energy 32Kcal

Protein 0.67g

Total lipid (fat)0.3g

Carbohydrate, by difference 7.68g

Fiber 2g

Sugars 4.89g

Calcium, Ca 16mg

Phosphorus, P 24mg

Sodium, Na 1mg

Vitamin C 58.8mg

Iron, Fe 0.41mg

Magnesium, Mg 0.386mg

Potassium, K 153mg

Strawberries Nutritional Facts

As previously said, strawberries are a pleasant treat; nevertheless, the dietary requirements of a bearded dragon differ significantly from those of humans or other animals.

To avoid painful conditions such as metabolic bone disease, bearded dragons require a diet high in calcium and low in phosphorus.

As a result, it’s critical always to check the nutritional content of the food you wish to feed your beardie so you can make an informed decision about whether it’s a good fit for their nutritional needs or not.

It’s usually a good idea to consider other aspects as well, such as protein, carbohydrates, fat, and sodium levels, as too much or too little of these might have an influence on your bearded dragon’s health.

Health Benefits Of Strawberries For Bearded Dragons


For starters, strawberries include calcium, which bearded dragons require in their diets. Lack of calcium causes metabolic bone disease, which causes dragons to become malformed and unable to move.

Vitamin C

On the other hand, strawberries are abundant in Vitamin C. Bearded dragons require the most vitamin D3. However, vitamin C is also required for a healthy bearded dragon. Other fruits, such as oranges, contain far too much citric acid and might cause intestinal distress.


Strawberries are an effective fighter against free radicals due to their high antioxidant content. These antioxidants can aid in the prevention of tumor growth and the reduction of inflammation in the body.

Allowing your bearded dragon to eat strawberries on occasion is a terrific approach to help him minimize his chances of inflammation and possibly cancer.


Have you ever needed to cope up with a constipated beardie? It’s not enjoyable! The poor little guy is in a lot of pain, and it can be difficult for the owner to make him feel better at times. Offering a strawberry is one technique to get things moving correctly.

Fruits high in water content are an excellent way to hydrate the bearded dragon and keep him going regularly. Strawberries are also high in fiber, which will aid in your dragon’s digestion.

Can Bearded Dragons Have Strawberries?


Yes, bearded dragons can have strawberries. Bearded dragons may eat strawberries if fed infrequently and in moderation.

Strawberries, like other fruits, are low in nutrients for these reptiles. They also contain a lot of sugar, monitored and controlled. Greens, on the other hand, are far more suitable.

Can Baby Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?

Yes, baby bearded dragons can eat strawberries, but it is not recommended. Variety in a newborn beardie’s food is beneficial, but not at the expense of nutritional content. While it is possible to give baby beardie strawberries, we do not encourage it.

Bearded dragons have a high calcium demand in general, and this nutritional requirement is significantly greater in baby bearded dragons who are still growing. Insect-based and live foods account for 80 percent of a baby beardie’s diet.

Using a significant portion of the young bearded dragon’s 20% plant diet for a nutrient-deficient fruit like strawberries makes little sense.

If you’re confident that you’ll want to feed strawberries to your larger beardies, you can add a small piece of strawberry to a baby beardie’s diet later on.

We mean little, around the size of a tenth of a strawberry. As a result, your newborn beardie will become accustomed to the fruit while maintaining nutritious value for bearded dragons.

Are Strawberries Safe For Bearded Dragons?

Yes, strawberries are safe for bearded dragons. You can feed them strawberries. Experts encourage them, but they can only eat a modest amount.

The good news is that bearded dragons can eat strawberries once or twice a month because they are less toxic than most other fruits.

Are Strawberries Good For Bearded Dragons?

Yes, strawberries are good for bearded dragons. Fruit is generally regarded as nutritionally poor for bearded dragons and should not constitute a substantial amount of their diet; nonetheless, strawberries are one of the better options available if you must give your beardie fruit.

This is supported by VCA-Hospitals’ veterinary experts, who have included strawberries to their list of the top 5 fruits to feed bearded dragons. This is partly due to their high vitamin and mineral content and convenience of use.

Defend Against Disease and Illness

Strawberries are high in antioxidants, which means they can assist bearded dragons in avoiding illness and disease. Antioxidants are chemicals that aid in preventing free radical damage to the body’s cells.

Your bearded dragons will be less likely to become ill if they eat foods high in antioxidants, such as strawberries.

Enhance Digestion

Strawberries have a high fiber content. To promote standard bowel actions and prevent intestinal obstruction, bearded dragons require a diet high in dietary fiber.

Fiber is essential for optimum digestive health and should be offered to your bearded dragon daily. A lack of fiber can cause severe bowel obstructions, leading to death if not treated promptly.

Hydration Benefits

Strawberries are the most moisturizing fruits on the planet. Due to their high water content, strawberries can assist bearded dragons in hydrating their bodies better than drinking water alone.

This is, in particular, true at some point of the summer while temperatures jump, and your bearded dragon can quickly get dehydrated.

Are Strawberries Bad For Bearded Dragons?

No, strawberries are not bad for bearded dragons. Even when it comes to nutritious foods like strawberries, there are still health dangers. Here’s what to look out for if you feed these delectable fruits to your bearded dragon.

Weight Problems Can Be Avoided Through Moderation

We’ve stated it earlier, but we cannot emphasize enough how important it is for bearded dragons to exercise moderation and give strawberries as a treat just once or twice a month.

For starters, these fruits are heavy in sugar, contributing to an overweight reptile. Furthermore, the nutritional value of these fruits is insufficient to maintain a healthy bearded dragon.

Dehydration and diarrhea

Too much sugar may cause your beardie to have an upset stomach, and reptiles may become dehydrated due to diarrhea.

“These fruits are heavy in sugar, which can cause tooth decay and stomach trouble,” explains Dr. Edele Grey, a veterinarian. “Sugar ferments in a beardie’s gastrointestinal system, causing intestinal flora imbalance and irregularities, including diarrhea. Diarrhea can quickly dehydrate your beardie and, in some instances, be fatal, “Dr. Grey goes on.

As a result, feeding too many strawberries at once is not a good idea. If your beardie consumes too many sugary foods, the hazards may rapidly outweigh the benefits.

Tooth decay is a danger.

Bearded dragons are prone to dental rot if they consume too much sugar, and strawberries fall squarely into that category. Sugary foods, like humans, induce plaque accumulation in your beardie’s teeth, which eventually turns into tartar and harms its teeth.

Bear in mind that strawberries are considered candy for bearded dragons. Candy, like humans, should be limited to an occasional treat for your pet.

Pesticides Pose a Risk

The Environmental Working Group, or EWG, compiles a list of the vegetables and fruits with the highest levels of pesticide residue. The group refers to these as “The Dirty Dozen,” and strawberries are frequently included on that list.

This means that if you want to give your bearded dragon strawberries, you should do so only after carefully washing them – or buy organic strawberries at your local market. It will assist in reducing the possibility of your beardie eating a dangerous substance.

Can bearded dragons eat berries?

"A bowlful of delicious organic berries.  Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries.  Shallow dof"

Yes, Bearded dragons can often eat whole raspberries and blueberries. On the other hand, Blackberries can be a little firmer and more difficult for a beardie to mash up in their mouth.

If you think it will be easier for your beardie to consume, cut the blackberries in half or even smaller pieces.

Do Bearded Dragons Like Strawberries?

Yes, bearded dragons like strawberries. Bearded dragons aren’t picky eaters and could devour anything available. Beardies are well-known for having a sweet appetite and preferring sugary meals.

Because bearded dragons adore strawberries and fruit in general because of their sweet taste, they can be used as a salad topper to entrain a beardie who isn’t eating well or doesn’t eat many veggies to wander over to the salad bowl and take a bite.

This strategy should be utilized sparingly because overfeeding fruit is not a good idea.

Remember that greens and vegetables should make up the great majority of your dragon’s diet, but strawberries can be a tasty treat on occasion.

Can bearded dragons eat strawberries leaves?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat strawberry leaves. Strawberries’ leaves are also high in antioxidants for them. They protect against vascular disease and aid in treating digestive ailments such as diarrhea. They should, however, be served in moderation, just like the fruit.

Can bearded dragons eat dried Strawberries?

No, bearded dragons are not supposed to eat dried strawberries. Dried strawberries cannot and should not be fed to bearded dragons.

dried strawberries

In reality, dried fruit is NOT an option for bearded dragons because it contains more sugar. I firmly believe that a dragon’s diet should consist of 99 percent fresh items.

Can bearded dragons eat frozen Strawberries?

No, bearded dragons are not supposed to eat frozen strawberries. Frozen strawberries should not be fed to bearded dragons. Frozen fruits lose nutrients over time if you consistently provide fresh fruits and vegetables.

How Many Strawberries Can A Bearded Dragons Eat?

Hopefully, you’ve realized that feeding strawberries to your bearded dragon daily isn’t the best idea. Limit the number of strawberries you serve, as you would with any other fruit.

Many bearded dragon owners claim that they feed their bearded dragon one giant strawberry every 2-4 weeks. They should be fed no more than once per week. The serving size should be tiny. Thus one strawberry should suffice.

You may even cut up a strawberry and use it as a salad topper to inspire your bearded dragon to explore new foods, as previously recommended.

How Often Can A Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?

Even though strawberries are one of the VCA vets’ top five favorite fruits, you don’t want to overdo it. When feeding strawberries to your dragon, make sure you don’t offer them more than they can handle in a single sitting.

Often, that’s just a few parts of a strawberry, not the entire thing. Strawberry is only a delightful treat in terms of frequency, and you should avoid overdoing it. Strawberry feeding should be done no more than once a month.

How To Feed Strawberries To Bearded Dragons?

Strawberries can be fed whole. It’s tender, and the seeds are small enough that they won’t choke.

If you’re going to feed them the entire strawberry, make sure you keep an eye on them. Your beardie will eat small pieces of the fruit, but now and then, they may take a bite that causes them to choke.

  1. Choose a decent one – If you follow veterinary advice, you should only give your beardie one strawberry. So make it a memorable one! Choose a small one from the options available. Examine it to determine if it’s ripe, undamaged, free of mold or other nasties, and clean.
  2. Thoroughly wash it – While buying organic strawberries reduces the risk of pesticides, there is still the possibility of fertilizer residues or dirt on the fruit’s skin. To be sure, thoroughly rinse your strawberry under running water.
  3. Slice it up – The single strawberry can be served on its own or as an exciting addition to a bowl of lush greens. In either case, you’ll need to cut it into smaller strawberry bits that your beardie can handle. Strawberry tops, leaves, and everything can be included.
  4. Serve and observe – It’s interesting to see how your beardie reacts to new foods and get an idea of what they devour to eat. Will your beardie shun strawberries entirely, or will they enjoy them so much that the rest of their diet is forgotten? It’s a good idea to supervise so you can adjust as needed.

Do Strawberries Affect The Digestive System Of Bearded Dragons?

No, strawberries don’t affect the digestive system of bearded dragons unless you overfeed them. The only serious issue with overfeeding strawberries to your bearded dragon is that fruit is often lower in nutritional value than greens and vegetables.

Bearded dragons have relatively small stomachs, so stuffing them with meals that are low in nutrients isn’t usually the most fantastic option if done frequently.

This is especially crucial for newborn and adolescent bearded dragons, who are still overgrowing. Every meal counts toward making them as big and healthy as possible for their adult years.

Final Thoughts

To maintain your puppy healthful and stay an extended lifestyle, you must feed them with adequate nutrition and understand what they should and should not eat.

Strawberries are a delicious treat for your bearded dragon, but they should only be used as a treat and not as a daily mainstay because of their high sugar content. Bearded dragons have likes and prefer a diverse diet. With this list of safe fruits for your pet, you are sure to find some goodies they will appreciate. Just don’t overdo it.


Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat grapes. Just be sure to clean them before giving them to your dragon. Other fruits that bearded dragons can consume can be found on our diet page. Learn which fruits are safe for bearded dragons to eat.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat bananas?

Yes, Bearded dragons can eat bananas; however, you should only give them bananas on rare occasions. If you feed your dragon bananas too frequently, it may become ill. Please see our diet page for a list of more fruits that bearded dragons can consume. Learn which fruits are safe for bearded dragons to eat.

Can bearded dragons eat spinach?

Bearded dragons can eat spinach, although it is not recommended since calcium binds to spinach, causing nutritional problems. Other veggies that bearded dragons can consume may be found on our diet page. Find out which vegetables are safe for bearded dragons to eat.

Can bearded dragons eat blueberries?

Yes, Blueberries can be fed to bearded dragons, but only in small amounts. Feeding frozen or unwashed blueberries to your dragon are not recommended since they typically contain preservatives or pesticides that might make your dragon sick.

About the author

I'm Gulshan, a passionate pet enthusiast. Dive into my world where I share tips, stories, and snapshots of my animal adventures. Here, pets are more than just animals; they're heartbeats that enrich our lives. Join our journey!